An Overview of Wind Energy Industry in India: A Systematic Literature Review

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Journal Title: Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research & Review
Author(s): Divik Kandpal & Dr Tarun Dhingra
Published On: 12/12/2022
Volume: 3
Issue: 6
First Page: 111
Last Page: 134
ISSN: 2582-8088
Publisher: The Law Brigade Publisher

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Divik Kandpal & Dr Tarun Dhingra, An Overview of Wind Energy Industry in India: A Systematic Literature Review, Volume 3 Issue 6, Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research & Review, 111-134, Published on 12/12/2022, Available at


Through a systematic literature review, this paper highlights the evolution and growth of wind energy in India. The majority of the literature has been written post-2010, and minimal literature is available before that. One hundred and two papers identified can be grouped into themes of Sector Overview, Policy and Wind Economics, and Finance. The growth of wind energy has been driven by government schemes like accelerated depreciation, preferential feed-in tariffs, and generation-based incentives. Migration to auctions post-2016 brought down tariffs, but profitability, land acquisition, and poor transmission infrastructure remain a challenge for the industry. The authors highlight the requirement of further study on the effectiveness of the policies and challenges related to wind energy in India. The author’s recommendations include the need to study, compare and assess the effectiveness of the various policies in the growth of Wind Energy, comparison of the effectiveness of the same policy in other Renewable Energy Sectors like Solar and their effectiveness in other countries. We also suggest studying the efficacy of the National Off-Shore Wind Energy Policy and the Strategy, Competitiveness, and Business Models being followed by various Companies in the Wind Energy Sector in India.

Keywords: Wind Energy India, Wind Economics and Finance, Wind Energy Policy; Systematic literature review

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Divik Kandpal & Dr Tarun Dhingra

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