Commercial Space Activities: Legal Framework and Challenges

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Journal Title: Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research & Review
Author(s): Prashant Rajpoot & Suyash Kumar Vishwakarma
Published On: 05/06/2024
Volume: 5
Issue: 3
First Page: 72
Last Page: 87
ISSN: 2582-8088
Publisher: The Law Brigade Publisher

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Prashant Rajpoot & Suyash Kumar Vishwakarma, Commercial Space Activities: Legal Framework and Challenges, Volume 5 Issue 3, Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research & Review, 72-87, Published on 05/06/2024, Available at


Commercial space endeavors have experienced a considerable upswing in recent times, as private enterprises have entered the space sector and embarked on a diverse array of ventures, encompassing satellite launches, space tourism, and asteroid mining. This scholarly article delves into the legal framework that governs commercial space activities and the challenges that emerge within this dynamic context. The article commences by scrutinizing the international treaties and agreements that constitute the basis of space law, notably the Outer Space Treaty, the Rescue Agreement, and the Liability Convention. These treaties establish fundamental principles, including the peaceful utilization of outer space, the freedom to explore, and the responsibility for damages arising from space objects. Nevertheless, the expansion of commercial space activities gives rise to questions concerning the application of these principles to private entities operating in space. The absence of clarity and consistency in national laws governing commercial space activities is a significant challenge that has been identified in this paper. Various countries adopt different approaches to licensing, liability, and property rights in space, which can potentially result in conflicts and uncertainties for commercial operators. Moreover, the paper delves into topics such as space debris management, intellectual property rights in space resources, and the potential for conflicts between commercial and governmental interests in space exploration. These challenges underscore the necessity for a comprehensive and adaptable legal framework that can accommodate the diverse range of activities occurring in space, all while ensuring compliance with international obligations. In conclusion, this research paper underscores the importance of addressing the legal complexities surrounding commercial space activities to foster a sustainable and cooperative environment for future space exploration. By examining the current legal framework and identifying key challenges, this paper aims to contribute to ongoing discussions on shaping the future of commercial space activities.

Keywords: Commercial Space Activities, International Space Law, Space Tourism, Space Exploration

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Prashant Rajpoot & Suyash Kumar Vishwakarma

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