Contribution of Sanggar Wayang “Gogon” to Build the Image of Surakarta as a City of Culture

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Journal Title: Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research & Review
Author(s): Azzah Anzirah Aljabbar, Dra. Christy Damayanti, M.Si. & Sritami Santi Hatmini, S. IP, M.A
Published On: 27/02/2024
Volume: 5
Issue: 1
First Page: 69
Last Page: 79
ISSN: 2582-8088
Publisher: The Law Brigade Publisher

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Azzah Anzirah Aljabbar, Dra. Christy Damayanti, M.Si. & Sritami Santi Hatmini, S. IP, M.A, Contribution of Sanggar Wayang “Gogon” to Build the Image of Surakarta as a City of Culture, Volume 5 Issue 1, Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research & Review, 69-79, Published on 27/02/2024, Available at


This research aims to explore the contribution of Sanggar Wayang “Gogon” in building the image of Surakarta City as a cultural center using a city branding and cultural diplomacy approach. Surakarta City has a rich cultural heritage, such as Wayang Kulit which is an integral part of the city’s identity. This study uses a qualitative approach by collecting data through interview methods and analysis of related literature. With a city branding approach, Sanggar Wayang “Gogon” integrates Surakarta Wayang culture in strengthening the city’s branding and emerges as a Wayan g Kulit culture destination in Surakarta. Sanggar Wayang “Gogon”’s contribution received a positive response from the Surakarta City Government, with that Sanggar Wayang “Gogon” is often involved in cultural events at local and international levels. Through cultural diplomacy, Sanggar Wayang “Gogon” establishes relationships with local and international communities, increasing exposure to Surakarta Wayang culture at the global level, therefore this research results show that Sanggar Wayang “Gogon” through various innovations and creativity in its comprehensive work and activities functions as an instrument of Indonesian cultural diplomacy.

Keywords: Surakarta Cultural City, City Branding, Cultural Diplomacy, Sanggar Wayang “Gogon”, Culture

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Azzah Anzirah Aljabbar, Dra. Christy Damayanti, M.Si. & Sritami Santi Hatmini, S. IP, M.A

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