Humanity: Becoming Inhumane?

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Publication Information

Journal Title: Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research & Review
Author(s): Chhavi
Published On: 28/02/2022
Volume: 3
Issue: 1
First Page: 175
Last Page: 180
ISSN: 2582-8088
Publisher: The Law Brigade Publisher

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Chhavi, Humanity: Becoming Inhumane?, Volume 3 Issue 1, Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research & Review, 175-180, Published on 28/02/2022, Available at


This article, titled ‘Humanity: becoming inhumane?’, tries to outline the impending commination hovering over humanity, in real-time. The current crisis of boiling war situation between Ukraine and Russia, is a supporting corroboration that humankind has not taken required lessons from the 40 million casualties of the First World War, it has lost the dreadful nasty memories of the Holocaust and how the United States of America ‘justified its military intervention in Vietnam by the domino theory’. In an exchange of letters between Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud, Einstein asked Freud: “That the pattern of violence could not be mitigated, even in the face of the most meaningful pleas?”[i]. To which Freud reverted back, saying: “…in his [Freud’s] opinion there was not much likelihood of anyone being able to suppress humanity’s most aggressive tendencies…It is easy to infect mankind with war fever, and humanity has an active instinct for hatred and destruction.”[ii] To make the argument more stern, this article conceptualizes to encompass the multifaceted atrocities that humanity is suffering in not just one or two countries but upon varied soils of different landmasses, separated by oceans.

[i] Apeirogon, Colum McCann (2020, Bloomsbury Publishing)

[ii] Apeirogon, Colum McCann (2020, Bloomsbury Publishing).

Keywords: Humanity, United States of America, First World War, Holocaust, Ukraine and Russia

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