Locating and Redefining the Space of Elderly in India

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Publication Information

Journal Title: Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research & Review
Author(s): Dr. Nawal Prasad Singh
Published On: 09/01/2023
Volume: 3
Issue: 6
First Page: 195
Last Page: 210
ISSN: 2582-8088
Publisher: The Law Brigade Publisher

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Dr. Nawal Prasad Singh, Locating and Redefining the Space of Elderly in India, Volume 3 Issue 6, Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research & Review, 195-210, Published on 09/01/2023, Available at https://ajmrr.thelawbrigade.com/article/locating-and-redefining-the-space-of-elderly-in-india/


The world is experiencing exponential growth in the ageing population. Growing older often corresponds to the decline in the productiveness of an individual and with that comes the quest of finding a position to support survival. The elderly population does not primarily mean burden to the society rather the experience that they hold of the different spheres can be highly productive if channelized in a systematic sense. The advent of technology and modernization can be seen responsible for the decrease in the mortality rate, increase in awareness, nutrition, advancement in health care facilities and an increased life expectancy. The dynamic changes in the pattern of livelihood, lifestyle, family, work environment in India make it imperative to locate the existent space of the different sections of social framework. Today India is witnessing demographic dividend which to a greater extent signifies that the near future of India will witness a rise in elderly population. This research will highlight the shrinking space of elderly population and an attempt to relocate, redefine the space of elderly in the changing scenario of the nation.

Keywords: Space, Ageing, demography, social insecurity, financial dependency

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Dr. Nawal Prasad Singh

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